Lost Dog Brady: Green Collar, Wylie West - photo

Lost Dog Brady: Green Collar, Wylie West

Western Plains Avenue, 5410, Abilene

My dog brady got out of the yard sometime between 8am and 12pm. He is about 25 pounds and he has a green collar with hot dogs on it. He is very shy and won’t come up to you but he is very friendly. We live in wylie west, but he runs really fast so he could’ve gotten anywhere. Please call 830-708-3335 or 817-933-4499

How you can help

Western Plains Avenue, 5410, Abilene
Listing number
Pet's gender
Tue, 17.12.2024
Tue, 17.12.2024
Owner name
Hannah Justice

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl499580 posted on Facebook Fort Worth, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 18 December 2024, reply