In 2017, we discovered a cat on the street and we could not locate its owners for a long time. In the old fashioned way, we hung up listings and posters in the local area, to no avail.
This is how the idea came about of being able to search for your lost pet using modern technologies online. is visited by a large number of volunteers, employees of veterinary clinics and animal shelters.
Our service can be found in the top listings of Google search engine ratings. is currently the largest and most popular missing pet search engine.
Yes, listings are published on the site for free. However, we recommend using the premium features, which will increase the likelihood of getting your lost pet home ASAP.
Paid services help to speed up searches and increase the chance of success of finding your pet. You can choose from several paid services which best suit your situation. In addition to posting your listing on our social media channels, we will also set up advertising to notify as many people living in your local area. Thanks to the connection of paid services, your listing will be seen by a large number of people - our subscribers in social networks, volunteers and employees of the nearest clinics and shelters. We will also notify you about similar missing, and found, animals nearby.
When placing a listing, you will be offered premium options for increasing the visibility of your missing pet report. After payment has been made, you will receive a confirmation email from the system about the connection of premium services. Within hours, we set up your missing pet advertisement and notify our volunteers so that as many people as possible see your listing. Our support team can assist with updates on the placement of your listing.
Depending upon the premium options selected when creating your listing, paid ads will be displayed on social media for 2-3 days. At the end of this period, you may extend the advertising period for an additional fee. If you do not extend the service, the ad will expire but your listing remains on our site and on the social networks until you decide to take it down.
Two packages of paid options: Optimal and Maximum also include placing a listing at the top of the list. You can choose the package that best suits you and your listing will appear at the top of the list and stay there for a week.
We aim to make our paid services as affordable as possible for all pet owners. However, everyone has a different situation. If you are currently experiencing financial difficulties, write to us briefly about your situation and we will try to come up with a solution.
Remember, paying for our additional services means that you also support the further development of our project and help people who may be in your situation, in the future.
Volunteers are people who are registered on the site and who help in the search for missing pets. Volunteers receive notifications of their missing pets in their area of residence and work, and provide all possible assistance in the search for a lost pet. Anyone who cares about animals can register to become a volunteer.
We cannot share volunteer contacts with you, but all volunteers in the area where your pet was lost, or found, will receive an email notification about your case and will try to provide all possible assistance necessary.
If your pet was found before our advertising services were launched, you are entitled to a full refund.
We cannot guarantee that your pet will be found. However, the experience that we have combined with access to our volunteers and animal care networks serve to increase the likelihood of finding your lost pet.
Go to your Profile (on your computer, click on the icon in the upper right hand corner. If you are on the phone, click on the lower right corner). Opposite your listing, you will see a red button that says “Unpublish.” After clicking on this, your listing will be removed from the main listings, but will remain in your Profile on the “Unpublished” page.
Unfortunately, we do not provide this service at the moment.
There may be several reasons why you have not received a link to reset your password. Make sure that you have entered the correct email address. Have a look in your Spam folder, as the new password link may have been sent there. There may also be a problem with your email account receiving mail. In this case, wait a while and try requesting a new password again.
In the Support the project section, you can contribute any amount for the development of the project.