First 9 Steps To Take

If you have lost a pet, you've found the right resource. Building local awareness is crucial to reuniting with your missing family member. This guide is tailored to assist you in achieving this goal swiftly and effectively.

First 9 Steps To Take

Step 1: Calm Yourself Down

Losing a pet can be a distressing experience. However, it's crucial to avoid panicking and staying calm to act effectively. Take a moment to breathe deeply, make yourself a cup of soothing tea, meditate, or try any other relaxation technique that works best for you. Once you feel calm and composed, you can move on to the next steps.

Step 2: Thoroughly Search Your Home And Yard

Pets can sometimes hide in unexpected places in your home or yard, such as behind furniture or in a cozy nook. To increase your chances of finding your lost pet, close all doors and carefully search all areas where your pet could be hiding. If you have a large yard or garden, divide it into sections and ask friends or neighbors to help you search. If your pet is still not found, proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Post A Listing On

After confirming that your pet is missing, check the Listings Catalog to see if anyone has found your pet. If you cannot find your pet's listing, create a lost pet's listing on ASAP.

Why choose Pet911?

– It is the largest animal search system globally, with a higher probability of finding your pet successfully.
– Your listing will automatically be posted on social media networks and search engines as soon as it is placed in the system.

Why is speed important? Approval of posts on social media networks by group moderators can take several minutes to days. Starting the process early ensures that your listing will appear on social media networks and be seen by the right people sooner.

Step 4: Consider Using Paid Options

If you have the financial means, it is highly recommended that you take advantage of paid options as they can significantly increase your chances of finding your lost pet. Based on our experience, paid options expose your listing to a much wider audience. While some pet owners may start with free options before resorting to paid ones, this approach does not always yield positive results from a cost-saving perspective. Our statistics show that the majority of successful searches were achieved by pet owners who shared information as widely as possible. It is important to keep in mind that with each passing day, the chances of finding your pet decrease. Therefore, it is crucial to explore all possible avenues as quickly as possible.

Step 5: Put Up Paper Listings

Paper listings are still a great way to notify local residents that your pet is missing. Post your listings in your local area and high-traffic areas such as grocery stores, bus stops, and popular establishments. It's important to include a photo of your pet and your contact information. If you can, offer a concrete reward for the return of your pet. For example, "Offering a $500 reward" is more effective than "Reward offered." Use large, easy-to-read text in your poster, and if possible, print it in bright colours to make it stand out. Avoid using inkjet printers or markers as the print can wash off in the rain. Consider the work schedule of janitors in the area as they may tear down posters. Put up your listings after cleaning has been done in the local area.

Step 6: Inform Neighbours And Passers-by About Your Lost Pet

It's highly likely that your lost pet is not too far from where it went missing. Informing your neighbours and those who pass by the area is a surefire way to increase the chances of reuniting with your furry friend. Reach out to your neighbours by phone or in person and provide them with details about your lost pet. Hand out flyers in the neighbourhood and regularly walk around the area. Even your postman can be on the lookout for your pet. Consider placing a poster under the windshield wiper of your car if it's parked in the area where your pet went missing. Remember to share your contact information and a description of your pet with everyone you speak to.

The more people who know about your lost pet, the greater the chance of a happy reunion!

Step 7: Consider The Places Your Pet Has Visited

Think about the places your pet has visited recently. Have it been to a park, a friend's house, or a favorite walking route? Visit those areas and put up ads with your pet's photo and your contact information. Lost pets often return to familiar places, so it's important for people in those areas to know who to contact if they see your pet. Be sure to periodically return to those places in person to search for your pet. A stressful and confusing situation can cause your pet to act out of character, so it may be wary of strangers but still run home to it's owner.

Step 8: Protect Yourself From Scammers

Unfortunately, there are dishonest individuals who may take advantage of your distressing situation. Never send money to someone you do not know or have not met, even if they claim to have found your pet. Instead of asking obvious questions like "Does she have a white spot on her back?", provide a description of your pet and ask the person to share something about your pet that is not visible in the photos you may have already shared. If the person cannot provide any specific details, it may be a warning sign that they are not telling the truth. If you are certain that this person has your pet, arrange a public meeting to exchange your pet for money.

Remember to only transfer money after your pet has been safely returned to you.

Step 9: Keep Searching And Stay Hopeful

Do not lose hope in finding your lost pet! Even if it has been days, weeks, months, or even years, there is always a chance of a happy reunion. It is possible that your pet has been taken in by another family who may not have been able to find you, the rightful owner. This is a common occurrence in cases of lost pets. Sitting back and waiting for your pet to come home is not enough – take action and continue your search.

Remember that Pet911 is here to assist you in any way we can. Stay hopeful and persistent in your efforts to bring your furry friend back home.