Lost Rhodesian Ridgeback Near Adamsville: Help! - photo

Lost Rhodesian Ridgeback Near Adamsville: Help!

TN 22, 3842, Adamsville

Dizzy got loose last night. He’s a large Rhodesian Ridgeback with white socks. A couple miles north of Adamsville on Highway 22 N. He’s wearing a collar with the name ‘Owen’ and my phone number: 630-660-6094. Please let me know if you’ve seen him. Thank you.



TN 22, 3842, Adamsville
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Fri, 16.08.2024
Fri, 16.08.2024
Owner name
Christian Faure

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl493042 posted on Facebook Memphis, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 18 August 2024, reply

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