Lost Black Lab OC: Red Collar, Blue Scar – Arlington - photo

Lost Black Lab OC: Red Collar, Blue Scar – Arlington

Falcon River Way, 6605, Arlington

Male Black Labrador Retriever. He’s 8 months old. He has a red mesh collar with two tags — a red texas shaped rabies tag and a yellow rectangular microchip tag. He also has a blue and green harness as well as a black leash attached to him. His name is OC. He has a bit of hair loss at the end of his tail. He has a bald spot on his right hip. He has a neutered blue scar. His belly has a small ball on it as well. His paws are white and black.

How you can help

Falcon River Way, 6605, Arlington
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Thu, 18.04.2024
Thu, 18.04.2024
Owner name
Valeria Cantu

Comments 2

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Published: 19 April 2024, reply
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Published: 19 April 2024, reply

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