He is a large orange cat, with medium length hair, not fully long but fairly long. He is fairly obviously striped where it’s alternating colors of orange. He is very skinny and sickly looking, because he is sick, he is in the late stages of cancer, which he has had chemo for and has made it over three years from diagnosis. He is about 13 years old, we think, but we adopted him as an adult cat . He does not have a collar or tag because he won’t wear them. He is indoor/outdoor, but since getting old and being sick, he very rarely goes outside and typically we’ll just go drink from our natural spring and come right back in, in fact, he cries at the door until you let him in . He looks fairly bedraggled and malnourished, but it’s because of his disease, but if someone sees him, they may think that he is neglected or astray. However, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. He’s our little boy and we’re devastated. He likely is near the end of his life, possibly even only by weeks. Because the third and final chemo drug does notseem to be doing a great job. We know we will lose him soon, but this is the worst case scenario for losing him, because we didn’t get to say goodbye and we don’t even know for sure if he’s gone… His chemo can have effects on his brain, such that he becomes confused. So he might have wandered off, and gotten lost when he got out. On the night of January 31, he slipped outside after seeming desperate to get outside all evening. I noticed that he had because I was going outside to close up before I went to bed, and I saw him go to the spring so I was gonna let him drink out of it and then grab them. In the probably 90 seconds that it took me to close up, he disappeared. We searched all night all up and down Lawterdale Road where we live (the first right after Beaverdam becomes Webb Cove). At one point, we thought we heard a series of loud, distress meows, but then no more. The reason why I’m reaching out to you guys now is because our neighbor called me right after I’ve gone to bed last night, so about 24 hours after he went missing, and said that she was on the way home and right where Webb Cove and Beaverdam intersect, right about in front of the Beaverdam run old folks home sign, she saw an orange cat with orange stripes laying by the road. The first time she sat in the road, the second time she said by the road. For whatever reason she didn’t pick him up, but she called me, but I was already asleep. I got the message this morning, and then she came over and told me that the thing that struck her the most was that he didn’t have any markings of injury, and he could’ve been just sleeping. I about lost it because that’s a huge important detail to completely forget the first time. Then we went back to where she said she saw him, hoping to find the body, or something, and there was no sign of any orange cat at all or body. So now we’re wondering if he’s lost and hiding somewhere. He’s diabetic and so it’s extremely time sensitive. I honestly don’t know if he is still alive, but we just need some sort of closure. Right now it’s about 100 times more traumatic because of the fact that he might still be out there alone and scared. It’s almost too much to bear, especially for my girlfriend. He’s her cat and she hasn’t stopped crying almost literally since we couldn’t find him after searching all night on the 31st . She won’t even eat unless I force her to. I guess this last bit of information is somewhat irrelevant, but I just can’t help but try to convey how important it is to us to at least find a body or something if if it’s at all possible. This site was pointed out to me by someone who responded to a Facebook group post that I made, so I thought I’d give it a try. Thank you for what you do, and any amount of effort you put into our case. This past year we’ve lost all three of our cats two disease are old age, but this one is a special kind of awful because we have no idea what happened, or if he’s actually still alive, searching for us
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