Lost Brown Poodle - Aurora, July 3rd - photo

Lost Brown Poodle - Aurora, July 3rd

Florence Street, 2200, Aurora

She is a 2 year old poodle, (male) brown in color she ran away at montview and Florence on Wednesday July 3rd around 3-5 pm.



Florence Street, 2200, Aurora
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Fri, 05.07.2024
Fri, 05.07.2024
Owner name
Nora cardoza

Comments 2

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl490812 posted on Facebook Denver, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 06 July 2024, reply
Facebook group comment
I would honestly suggest you message (Lost Pet Rescue). They are highly reliable and efficient. They helped me find my dear Patrick when he got missing. You should try them .
Published: 06 July 2024, reply

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