Missing Cats: White Tom & Tabby Polydactyl - photo

Missing Cats: White Tom & Tabby Polydactyl

North Light Plant Road, 620, Aztec

White cat is a 2 yr old male Tom cat, had tags with his name and my number and chipped, tabby is a polydactyl and 6-7 months old and is my neighbors cat Olive, (LB) that would always come over and “hang out” with my other cats. They have always come home after an adventure and haven’t been home for a couple months. LB also is chipped. Please contact me if anyone has them or seen them. Noshe is pretty feisty and LB is sweet and cuddly. We miss them both. 505-386-8601. I have posted pictures and contacted local animal shelters and posted on home again when they went missing and just found this site. Haven’t given up hope yet. Thank you

How you can help

North Light Plant Road, 620, Aztec
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Tue, 27.08.2024
Tue, 11.06.2024
Owner name
Amoret Nyce

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl494027 posted on Facebook Albuquerque, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 28 August 2024, reply

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