Missing Emotional Support Dog in Brookline - photo

Missing Emotional Support Dog in Brookline

Blue Hill Avenue, 810, Boston

Jack Russell terrier, mixed Shepard all white, my emotional support dog, I have found info that an African American woman was seen with her in Brookline area, she has a 10 yr. Old son, my dog pearl is 5 months born Jan. 29th Has some Tanish brown markings on face , ear, her left eye is pinkish and she needs some vaccinations, the woman's name is Keisha, please any help will be appreciated we need our baby girl home, there will be a reward , she's very sweet and as I did needs some vaccinations that are very important, yes she is micro chipped, please help and keep an eye out, she needs to come home, God bless those who have the kindness to contact call 617-238-4186 at any time... Sarah Hodge. For pet911 I can't pay any fees at this time I live check 2 check I'm disabled and collect SSI disability so I will not be able to pay any fees until the next check on the 1st thank you I will contact you when I get my check on the 1st thank you very much God bless you



Blue Hill Avenue, 810, Boston
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Thu, 11.07.2024
Sat, 01.06.2024
Owner name
Sarah Hodge

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Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl491136 posted on Facebook Boston, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 12 July 2024, reply

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