Lost Tabby Cat - Black Collar, Microchipped! - photo

Lost Tabby Cat - Black Collar, Microchipped!

Etowah Drive Northeast, 1398, Brookhaven

Male, neutered, brown tabby, light brown belly black stripes, mint green eyes, white chin, slander athletic, long tail, 10lb. Black collar with reflection stripe, black bell. Microchipped. Indoor/ outdoor cat. Didn’t return from his morning walk, like he usually does. We assume he may be trapped or injured.

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Etowah Drive Northeast, 1398, Brookhaven
Listing number
Pet's breed
Wed, 12.06.2024
Fri, 07.06.2024
Owner name
katja brann

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl489173 posted on Facebook Atlanta, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 13 June 2024, reply

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