Friendly Orange Tabby Found on Doorstep - photo

Friendly Orange Tabby Found on Doorstep

North Lockwood Avenue, 1159, Chicago

1-6 months old. Orange. Very vocal. Friendly. Affectionate. Short hair. Energetic. I think it’s a Tabby cat. Found clawing at front door of someone’s home that they say never saw the cat before. Dirty but not seriously injured. Fleas. Cuts and scab on mouth and face. May have been abused or in dangerous situations. No sign of fear of humans or other animals.

How you can help

North Lockwood Avenue, 1159, Chicago
Listing number
Pet's breed
Wed, 11.12.2024
Tue, 10.12.2024
Finder's name
Brandon Bullock

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usf499340 posted on Facebook Chicago, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 11 December 2024, reply

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