Found: Male German Shepherd Puppy in Columbus - photo

Found: Male German Shepherd Puppy in Columbus

Everwood Avenue, 652, Columbus

Male, German Shepherd, Puppy, looks to be about 3 months old. Was found by my boss at Olentangy Commons on Friday 8/30/24 at approximately noon EST. Seems to be in good health and has experience being walked with a lead. He did not have a tag or microchip when scanned by the local vet. I'm guessing he's about 3 months old, but I don't have any records to go off of. I've got a big farm, plenty of experience with German Shepherds, and I'll keep him for as long as I need to--but my top priority is getting this little guy back to his owners. I've already contacted the nearby veterinary clinics and asked them to put up a notice for the owner if they come looking. Will be asking the nearby shelters to put a look out notice too. If you are the owner, please contact me and provide proof of ownership if possible (e. G. Vet records, rabies certificate or license, adoption papers, registration papers, transfer of ownership, bill of sale, Photos -- any possible proof that I'm not accidentally giving someone's pet to the wrong person is helpful).

How you can help

Everwood Avenue, 652, Columbus
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Fri, 30.08.2024
Fri, 30.08.2024
Finder's name
Jacob Orr

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usf494417 posted on Facebook Columbus, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 02 September 2024, reply

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