Missing cat, Commerce - photo

Missing cat, Commerce

Clayton Street, 744, Commerce

I am a 100% Disabled Iraq War Veteran and while Sam is not an official emotional support animal he helps me through ruff days. Sam is a male orange tabby. He has very unique markings. His torso is lined with perfect orange rings that go around his entire torso from shoulders to back legs. Not your typical tabby markings. On Monday September 9th, at 4:45pm I was carrying Sam in my arms from the house out to the "Catio" so he could spend a few hours outside and get some fresh air when some jerk in a loud pickup truck with an exaust kit that made the truck sound terrible decided to rev his engine as loud as it could go right in front of my house! This caused Sam to panic and he began to fight me I tried to hold onto him with all my strength but he managed to get out of my arms. He then stayed arms length away from me. We slowly tried to approach him but he would keep moving away from us sniffing the ground at the same time. We went around the house twice. We left the front door open and me and my spouse went opposite directions around the house to coax him inside. But When we got him close to the door he decided to run for the road and down along the neighbors fence. He turned the corner from Clayton St onto Scott Street and we lost him behind the second house on the right down Scott street. We walked the neighborhood multiple times including close to dark calling his name with no site. Around 8pm we saw him on camera on top of the catio and once again tried to get him to come to us following him around the house but he then ran back down the fence line and out of site. We did not give chase because we did not want him running father down the street. Sam does not like strangers and is very shy. When Sam was a kitten he and his litter mates were placed inside a box that was wax coated and it had one of those lids that slides all the way over it. They were then tossed out of the window of a truck in the dead of night a few days before Christmas at a speed of 55mph near Lula Ga. My cousin was behind the truck and something told her to stop. There were six kittens in the box who were still nursing. One was dead from the trama of hitting the ground. A few months later two more of the cats passed away due to having been exposed to Covid before they were found. We adopted Sam and His brother Ghost who is a grey tabby. Last night his brother stood at the window calling for his brother and had tears in his eyes. My baby was actually sad about his brother. So Sam has had a ruff life. He is a big boy but is still a few months shy of being a year old and we want desperately to get him home. Sam suffers from separation anxiety and demands to be carried 24/7 when working around the house I carry him in a baby sling. Sam is very vocal and smart. He can say yes and no and I love you. He loves to talk back too. He is my little trouble maker but we love him very much. He is still intact. We have only lived in our new home for a week now. So the neighbor hood is new to all of us. I have left the slides open in the catio with his litter box food and clothing that was soaked in sweat from us searching for him. I also have placed his Cat tower outside. He has recently marked it and he sleeps on it so we have placed that out as well. We are going to be passing out fliers today. Sam is scheduled to be neutered in a few weeks. Since I am a Disabled Veteran on a fixed income I had to use a low cost clinic and they have a waiting list or it would have been done sooner. My fear is he decides to sow some oats and finds himself father from home. He has just started marking things which has been a nightmare but we are managing. We just want our son home.

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Clayton Street, 744, Commerce
Listing number
Pet's gender
Tue, 10.09.2024
Tue, 10.09.2024
Owner name
Timothy Hayes

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Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl494834 posted on Facebook Atlanta, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 11 September 2024, reply

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