Lost Ragdoll Cat: Blue Eyes, Lion Cut - Help! - photo

Lost Ragdoll Cat: Blue Eyes, Lion Cut - Help!

Southwest Iowa Hill Road, 5383, Cornelius

She is a 5 year old white and gray ragdoll with blue eyes and some seal point markings. She recently had a haircut and her fur is shaved in a lion cut. She is microchipped. Her demeanor is very sweet and friendly. She talks a lot and loves people. She is an indoor/outdoor cat, doesn't wear a collar, and never strays from home. We are pretty sure someone picked her up or stole her.



Southwest Iowa Hill Road, 5383, Cornelius
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Wed, 17.04.2024
Sat, 13.04.2024
Owner name
Anna Jesse

Comments 2

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl485980 posted on Facebook Portland, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 17 April 2024, reply
Facebook group comment
put some of the things it may like the most like toys and some clothes outside hopefully it may pick it's scent and please don't set out it's litterbox it attracts others because in such terrible news my cat was lost and I was emotionally drained until I was told to contact go_getter_pets on Instagram and my cat was found and I'm sure they'll do the same for you. See full comment
Published: 17 April 2024, reply

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