Lost Tuxedo Cat Forrest - Green Eyes & Love for Fish - photo

Lost Tuxedo Cat Forrest - Green Eyes & Love for Fish

Hillcrest Drive, 407, Davenport

Black and white tuxedo cat name Forrest. He's ten years old. He has all black face. White whiskers. White patch on chest and stomach area. White paws. Small black patch on top of foot. One foot on bottom is black. He has green eyes. He loves fish. We miss our boy so much

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Hillcrest Drive, 407, Davenport
Listing number
Pet's gender
Sat, 25.05.2024
Fri, 29.03.2024
Owner name

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Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl488107 posted on Facebook Orlando, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 25 May 2024, reply

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