Lost Orange Tabby Needs Meds - Gwinnett St! - photo

Lost Orange Tabby Needs Meds - Gwinnett St!

Clymer Street, 701, Delaware

We believe our orange, male tabby Gallagher might have gotten out within the last few hours. He is super friendly and is currently recovering from an autoimmune illness so he needs his meds. He’s nose is very dry and has some dry patches which could be bloody.

Owner's review of Pet911

Perhaps been found!
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How you can help

Clymer Street, 701, Delaware
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Sun, 30.06.2024
Sun, 30.06.2024

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl490340 posted on Facebook Columbus, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 30 June 2024, reply

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