Cat found - photo

Cat found

Krenson Woods Road, 1029

She’s a female tabby, fluffy, she was hiding under a table at my next door neighbors house. She does not belong to them, I have never seen this cat anywhere! She is not feral, and not a stray. She’s very well taken care of and very SWEET! She is always purring, loves to be held and petted. I brought her inside of my house for food and water. I do have other animals that she does not like, so I can’t keep her for long. I’m hoping to reunite her with her family!!

How you can help

Krenson Woods Road, 1029
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Sun, 19.05.2024
Sat, 18.05.2024
Finder's name
Jacqueline Mitchell

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usf487705 posted on Facebook Tampa, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 19 May 2024, reply

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