Found: Friendly Tabby with Green Eyes - Help! - photo

Found: Friendly Tabby with Green Eyes - Help!

Wilson Avenue, 95, Middletown Township

Beautiful tabby white neck green eyes. Definitely lost or someone abandoned him/her. My cat looks just like this cat. Thank goodness In the storm I have a huge grill with shelf and cover where the cat stays. Meows at night to come in. I can't went through 5 animals in back yard. Great lives. My belove Husky Kodiak diabetes etc went to rainbow bridge with my other long haired domestic 14 years old cats sisters died a week apart one had heart attack in my arms. PLEASE I SAW A POST FOR A LOST CAT. THIS CAT WANTS TO COME IN. VERY FRIENDLY LOVABLE BUT CAN NOT BRING IN MY HOUSE. MY ZIGGY IS GETTING CONFUSED PROBABLY WHY THIS CAT IS OUTSIDE. HE HAS A SEIZURE condition. I have had 6 animals in past and putting them down is heart wrenching Anyone 1 week I will take cat to aspca. It definitely someone's cat may Brainerd ave pt monmouth. Mean strays here huge raccoon that comes on deck. This tabby is dark and has colored green eyes. I don't want to call aspca. Whoever owns it please make him an indoor cat cat so many nasty ferral cats and racoon here. Again one week going to bring the cat ASPCA. Regards. Janice

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Wilson Avenue, 95, Middletown Township
Listing number
Pet's breed
Tue, 20.08.2024
Sun, 21.07.2024
Finder's name

Comments 2

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usf493377 posted on Facebook New York, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 20 August 2024, reply
Facebook group comment
Sorry to hear that. I honestly suggest that you should message (lost pet investigators)on Facebook they helped me locate my pet when he got missing and Im sure they will help you There link 👇👇
Published: 20 August 2024, reply

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