Lost Tortoishell Cat: Uma Needs Help! - photo

Lost Tortoishell Cat: Uma Needs Help!

Powhatan Boulevard, 1500, Fredericksburg

Uma went missing at the Fredricksburg Visitor Center on route 95 south. She is a small Tortoishell female with a distinguishing black dot on her chin. She is Spayed not chipped. She is very sweet but shy and loves treats. Please contact with any information.

How you can help

Powhatan Boulevard, 1500, Fredericksburg
Listing number
Pet's gender
Mon, 30.12.2024
Sun, 22.12.2024
Owner name
Diane Speer

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl500014 posted on Facebook Pet911 Lost and Found Pets in USA
Published: 30 December 2024, reply

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