Found Small Grey Dog in Greenwood - Help! - photo

Found Small Grey Dog in Greenwood - Help!

Prairie Sky Drive, 1933, Greenwood

Small friendly grey dog with no collar found on Prairie Sky Ln in Sweetgrass subdivision in Greenwood. Johnson County Animal Control picked him up Shortly after 11am. He was scanned and has a microchip. I wasn't told who the owners were. But I hope that someone who owns or knows the dog passes this posting along. I followed him around the neighborhood I'm hopes he would lead me to his home. He kept darting in and out of the street. I knocked on doors that had open gates and asked all neighbors I ran into along our walk.

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How you can help

Prairie Sky Drive, 1933, Greenwood
Listing number
Tue, 23.07.2024
Tue, 23.07.2024
Finder's name
Dianna Hirsch

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