Lost Fluffy Orange Cat - Mill St, Haverhill! - photo

Lost Fluffy Orange Cat - Mill St, Haverhill!

Mill Street, 247, Haverhill

he got lost by running away. He is orange with some white and his tail is orange/white striped. he is very fluffy

How you can help

Mill Street, 247, Haverhill
Listing number
Pet's gender
Tue, 18.06.2024
Mon, 17.06.2024
Owner name

Comments 2

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl489515 posted on Facebook Boston, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 18 June 2024, reply
Facebook group comment
I recommend contacting “Guardio Track " here on Facebook, they are professionals in tracking of lost/stolen pet x Here's their page link .
Published: 19 June 2024, reply

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