Lost Dog Duo: Brown Male & White Husky - photo

Lost Dog Duo: Brown Male & White Husky

Shoe Factory Road, Hoffman Estates

Unknown breed, doesn’t have a collar on because he chewed it off, male, mostly brown has a black snout. Should be traveling with my other dog, female white husky.

Owner's review of Pet911

Thanks to everyone who reached out and kept an eye out! The cops called us this morning (9:10) to let us know that they were following Muffin and Luna. The dogs were traveling on summit street headed the same direction our house is at. So I would like to think they were headed back home! We went to the location and we saw them! As soon as we got off the car and called out their names, they headed straight towards us! Luna jumping immediately into the car and muffin was a little more scared so it took us a little more effort to get him to trust us. They are all showered now and sleeping safely in our home after their little adventure! Thanks again to everyone who helped out by posting on social media, making a report to the cops, and reaching out directly to me!
The user has hidden the phone number

How you can help

Shoe Factory Road, Hoffman Estates
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Sun, 12.01.2025
Sun, 12.01.2025

Comments 3

Susan Scott
Hope he return home soon with his friend! 🐾
Published: 12 January 2025, reply
Carmie cantu
He sounds distinctive, fingers crossed both dogs are found soon! 🐾
Published: 12 January 2025, reply
Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl500775 posted on Facebook Chicago, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 13 January 2025, reply

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