Lost Dog Alert: Brown Chiweenie - Honolulu - photo

Lost Dog Alert: Brown Chiweenie - Honolulu

Ena Road, 478, Honolulu

Male Chihuahua dachshund terrier, brown in color, was with me sleeping outside due to my homeless situation the dog was taken while I was sleeping it was still dark out this dog was taken with two other dogs that have been found.



Ena Road, 478, Honolulu
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Fri, 24.05.2024
Wed, 22.05.2024
Owner name
Holly Jo Snyder

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl488064 posted on Facebook Honolulu, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 25 May 2024, reply

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