Lost Yorkiepoo Maya - Brown & Black, Scared! - photo

Lost Yorkiepoo Maya - Brown & Black, Scared!

South Sterling Avenue, 3707, Independence

Dogs name is Maya, she is a yorkiepoo, her color is brownish tan, and some black hair she is real frightful and gets scared of any and everything. She got spooked as we were taking her out to use the restroom, neighbors dogs started barking and she zoomed out of her collar/leash. So she doesn’t have any identification on her.

How you can help

South Sterling Avenue, 3707, Independence
Listing number
Pet's gender
Mon, 10.06.2024
Mon, 10.06.2024
Owner name

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Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl489021 posted on Facebook Kansas City, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 10 June 2024, reply
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Published: 29 June 2024, reply

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