Lost Female Dog Near S Emerson Ave - Help! - photo

Lost Female Dog Near S Emerson Ave - Help!

East Minnesota Street, 5438, Indianapolis

This is a female golden colored dog. I’m not sure of her breed but I assume she’s mixed with golden retriever. I found her on the side of the road with just a leash wrapped around her neck and she was dirty. She’s very friendly. Does not like men nor male dogs. I found her on East Minnesota street towards S Emerson Ave. She’s a really good dog, please help me find her owner. If you have any information please contact me at 317-455-8162

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East Minnesota Street, 5438, Indianapolis
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Wed, 22.05.2024
Wed, 22.05.2024
Finder's name

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Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usf487962 posted on Facebook Indianapolis, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 23 May 2024, reply

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