Help Find Gohan: Lost Kitten with Tracker! - photo

Help Find Gohan: Lost Kitten with Tracker!

West Divers Cove Way, 5820, Las Vegas

Gohan is 8 months old, black and white kitten, he was wearing a tracker and it has been stuck at an address 2 streets over since yesterday morning Jan 14th, family is denying he’s there yet the map tells me he is. They finally said he was there and was seen on their camera, but that’s all they know. I don’t know what to do. 😔 We just want him back!! He wasn’t a stray, he had a collar on that tracks him, he has never been out more than an hour, he’s not for anyone just to take. His sister also misses him, they’re very bonded.



West Divers Cove Way, 5820, Las Vegas
Listing number
Pet's gender
Mon, 15.01.2024
Sat, 13.01.2024
Owner name

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