The realtor that originally had Zora, finally came clean and told us She gave the dog to her pet sitter. Her pet sitter told her that on February 2nd that he came home and the gate was open. And Zora was gone. We didn't believe it. We think that's a lie. We were able to get his address we went to the address. We knocked on the door a woman opened the door and first told us that Zora was at the animal foundation we told her no Zora never made it there. Then a man came out, which I presume is the pet sitter. His name is Albert and he told us that we had to get metro. And he didn't want to talk to us and slamed the door in our face. So that's what we did. They were there for quite a long time. Albert had told the police that they could come in and search, and they did and couldn't find Zora. He then told them that when the gate was open, she. Escaped, and that after that he went on vacation. We're not sure where Zora is at this point. We don't know if the pet sitter sold her or is keeping her in hiding or just made up the whole story about her Escaping, we did put flyers in the area. We need everybody's eyes and ears. Looking out for her so we can get her back home to her family. PLEASE HELP TO GET ZORA HOME
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