Lost Poms Found: Bonded Pair, Sweet & Trained! - photo

Lost Poms Found: Bonded Pair, Sweet & Trained!

Rabbit Farm Road, 4983, Loganville

Two male pomeranian dogs. Sweet dispositions and are both house trained. They are not neutered and I am unaware of their vet records. The larger one seems to be the younger of the two and was and is more approachable whereas the smaller one is older and very weary of approaching anyone. Still trying to gain its trust. He is coming around but still not there.They are very attached to each other and need to stay together. The younger one has an occasional limp on its front paw which was skinned up when found.



Rabbit Farm Road, 4983, Loganville
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Fri, 10.05.2024
Sat, 04.05.2024
Finder's name
Amy Herrmann

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usf487211 posted on Facebook Atlanta, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 11 May 2024, reply

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