Help Find Kiko: Missing Blue Parrot - photo

Help Find Kiko: Missing Blue Parrot

New Utrecht Avenue, 4722

Kiko is a blue Indian ring neck with feathers missing on his belly and under the wings. He has a medical condition that is not contagious and needs his medication. He was taken by someone home to be released a little bit later into the dark cold night just because his skin color was mistaken for a disease. Kiko has a family that loves him and misses him very much. Please if you have any information contact me at 917-9626001. Reward for finding Kiko.

How you can help

New Utrecht Avenue, 4722
Listing number
Pet's gender
Fri, 20.12.2024
Tue, 10.12.2024
Owner name
Aldona M

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl499657 posted on Facebook New York, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 22 December 2024, reply

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