Lost Orange Cat in Bethel - Help Find Oatie! - photo

Lost Orange Cat in Bethel - Help Find Oatie!

Pell Mell Drive, 18, Bethel

Oatie is an orange shorthair cat. He is about 6 years old. He’s usually indoor, but goes outside when at my parent’s house in Bethel. He has his claws, is neutered, and has a microchip.

How you can help

Pell Mell Drive, 18, Bethel
Listing number
Pet's gender
Mon, 20.05.2024
Sun, 19.05.2024
Owner name
Michaela Natal

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl487811 posted on Facebook Bridgeport, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 21 May 2024, reply

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