Missing Orange Tabby: Winston/Buddy, 2½ Yrs - photo

Missing Orange Tabby: Winston/Buddy, 2½ Yrs

Stirling Drive, 58, Glocester

This is Winston. He responds to Buddy as well. He is about 2½ years old. He is an orange tabby, wearing a gray flea collar. He is microchipped. We have no idea how he got outside as everything was sealed. We've flipped the entire house upside down. We know that he is outside at the moment because we spotted him. He was last seen running into the woods.

Owner's review of Pet911

found the cat
The user has hidden the phone number

How you can help

Stirling Drive, 58, Glocester
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Sun, 25.08.2024
Sat, 24.08.2024

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