Lost: Shy Gray Cat on 75th Road - photo

Lost: Shy Gray Cat on 75th Road

74th Avenue, 98-16, New York

He is an 8 year old male cat. He is about 18 pounds. He is dark gray and has a white underbelly and face and white paws. He has green eyes. He is shy and skittish and may run away if you try to approach him. He is very food motivated. Please call 302-598-9587 if you spot him. He was an indoor cat so if you are able to catch him and bring him inside, that would be great. He was last seen on 12/28 wandering down 74th Ave between Union Turnpike and Metropolitan Ave.

How you can help

74th Avenue, 98-16, New York
Listing number
Pet's gender
Mon, 30.12.2024
Fri, 27.12.2024
Owner name
Kendall Aulen

Comments 2

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl500025 posted on Facebook New York, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 30 December 2024, reply
Facebook group comment
Carl is still missing! Here’s the most updated flyer. He was last seen on 12/28 walking along 74 Ave between Union Turnpike and Metropolitan Ave. See full comment
Published: 31 December 2024, reply

Lost Cats in this area