My cat is a grey/silver striped tiger, male, 3 years old and fixed. He went missing on East Hill Rd in Plainfield, VT on 11.27.24 with no tags and/or collar.
Have you Checked with Neighbors, and given them a photo with your cell phone number or contact local vets or contact(Safe harbor pet rescue ) here on Facebook they helped me locate my my cat days ago
I am so sorry about your missing pet, I know how devastating it feels. Well the least I could do is to recommend you to the rescue team that assisted me some months back lost pet rescue send a direct message to them ASAP. I hope you find your pet
Probably scared and or hiding nearby. Walk neighborhood calling his name and if there is still no trace you can reach out to (Lost pet tracking teams) on Facebook they helped me locate my dog days ago.👇👇 See full comment
Sorry to hear that. I honestly suggest that you should message (paws pet sitting01 )here on FACEBOOK, they helped me locate my pet when he got missing and am sure they will help you. 💗💖👇👇👇
🙏 Please go around local spots and shops with flyers and inform local rescues via cat chat website and local vets to keep look out. Please knock on your neighbours doors so they can lookout.
Carry something with your babies scent and fav treats when going around, or contact (pet recovery teams ), on facebook they helped me found my cat days ago,👇👇
🙏 Please go around local spots and shops with flyers and inform local rescues via cat chat website and local vets to keep look out. Please knock on your neighbours doors so they can lookout.
Carry something with your babies scent and fav treats when going around, or contact (paw some tracker), on facebook they helped me found my cat days ago,👇👇 See full comment
Don’t wait any longer! Reach out to lost pet rescue on Facebook. They specialize in tracking lost pets and were instrumental in helping me find my own in less than two days. Their dedication is unmatched, and they can help you too! Check their Facebook page here:
Have you checked what neighbors? or reach out to (Paw pet rescue team) here on Facebook,they helped me locate my missing poodle last week:
Don’t wait any longer! Reach out to (Safe harbor pet Rescue ) on Facebook. They specialize in tracking lost pets and were instrumental in helping me find my own in less than two days. Their dedication is unmatched, and they can help you too! Check their Facebook page
🙏 Please go around local spots and shops with flyers and inform local rescues via cat chat website and local vets to keep look out. Please knock on your neighbours doors so they can lookout.
Carry something with your babies scent and fav treats when going around, or contact (Lost pet tracking teams ), on facebook they helped me found my cat days ago,👇👇 See full comment
Comments 14