Help Find Our Missing Boston Terrier! - photo

Help Find Our Missing Boston Terrier!

Christy Way, 199

Black and white Boston Terrier female. 13 lbs. 1 year old. Ran out of front door without warning or any previous signs of wanting to escape. Started running and didn’t appear to stop until out of visual range. As if she was running toward something and/or knew exactly where she was going. Collar last pinged in neighborhood across the street at 5 am the following morning. Approximately 6 hours after she went missing. We have spoken with several people in that neighborhood and believe they have their eyes out in case anyone there has her. She’s been gone for over two months. Surrounding area has been searched thoroughly and people close by have been questioned/ made aware. No one has come forward with any information or any sightings. It’s as if she just disappeared into thin air. Which of course we know is not possible. Shelters have been made aware as well as law enforcement. Countless hours have been spent on foot and in cars, searching. We’ve put up hundreds of posters in dozens of locations. The reward amount offered exceeds her monetary worth. Although to her family, her value can’t be measured in money. Any information at all would be greatly appreciated.



Christy Way, 199
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Tue, 16.07.2024
Thu, 09.05.2024
Owner name
Megan (On behalf of dog’s mom, Keyara)

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Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl491391 posted on Facebook Charleston, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 18 July 2024, reply

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