Missing Skittish Dog: Bear, 55lb Border Collie Mix - photo

Missing Skittish Dog: Bear, 55lb Border Collie Mix

Rose Hollow Drive, 632, Lower Makefield Township

Bear is border collie/Great Pyrenees mix, approximately 55pounds. He was hit by the mailman and bolted from our driveway. I’m not sure if he was hurt. He is skittish, please don’t chase him. He’s a rescue of 1.5 years and he’s finally acclimated to his surroundings. He hate’s loud noises and USPS trucks, FedEx trucks, anything like that. Thanks for your help.



Rose Hollow Drive, 632, Lower Makefield Township
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Mon, 12.08.2024
Sun, 11.08.2024
Owner name
Patricia mullen

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Lost and Found Pets USA
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Published: 13 August 2024, reply

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