Lost Injured Pitbull - Red Collar - Help Find Him! - photo

Lost Injured Pitbull - Red Collar - Help Find Him!

Fostern Lane, 9551, Manassas

He is a male blue nosed pit, red color, was hit by a car and ran off. Probably injured and most likely very scared and stressed. I need my baby. Please help me bring him home. RED COLLAR! It’s a thick collar.



Fostern Lane, 9551, Manassas
Listing number
Pet's gender
Fri, 26.04.2024
Fri, 26.04.2024
Owner name
Sarah Lueking

Comments 2

Olivia Simpson
Hello this is Olivia. I just saw your post on Pawboost about your missing pet. I am sorry for that. You should reach out ASAP to this private tracking agency. They have a strong success rate in finding lost pets. I found my dog within 48 hours with their help. Contact “pawtrackerorg" on Instagram. They provide personalized assistance and support in finding missing pets.
Published: 27 April 2024, reply
Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl486467 posted on Facebook Pet911 Lost and Found Pets in USA
Published: 27 April 2024, reply

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