Found Black Dog Near Magnolia Elementary! - photo

Found Black Dog Near Magnolia Elementary!

Castalia Street, 1603, Memphis

‼️Description: Medium-sized black female dog wearing red and pink collar with no tags or micro ship. She has scratches on her face and looks to have recently given birth. ‼️Location: Found near Magnolia Elementary School at the intersection of Castalia Street and Frisco Street ‼️Condition: Appears healthy with scars on her face, friendly, and well-fed:

How you can help

Castalia Street, 1603, Memphis
Listing number
Pet's gender
Mon, 22.07.2024
Mon, 22.07.2024
Finder's name
Lauren Jones

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usf491707 posted on Facebook Memphis, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 23 July 2024, reply

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