Lost Dogs on Forks Bridge Rd - Help Needed! - photo

Lost Dogs on Forks Bridge Rd - Help Needed!

Forks Bridge Road, 127, Newfoundland

Missing on 127 forks bridge rd Been up-and-down the road. Yelling their names shaking feed no Sign. Of them. Not exactly sure. What time they got out. Prince is the gelding ally is the mare If anyone sees them, please contact me.5707801118



Forks Bridge Road, 127, Newfoundland
Listing number
Pet's gender
Mon, 05.08.2024
Mon, 05.08.2024
Owner name
Kerry Beemer

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl492447 posted on Facebook Allentown, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 05 August 2024, reply

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