Missing 17-Year-Old Cat Toki in Norcross - photo

Missing 17-Year-Old Cat Toki in Norcross

Hampton Ridge Road, 219, Norcross

Toki is a domestic long hair car. 17 years old, fragile, small body, white feet, white chest, white "mustache". Wearing a flea collar. She went missing from our apartment home Thursday morning (July 18) and was seen nearby this morning. But maintenance finally decided to blow breezeways and that likely scared her off, no trace since.

Owner's review of Pet911

UPDATE!: Toki has been FOUND!! She was discovered sitting in the rain a building over in the early hours of the morning and is currently home safe and sound. But she's in pretty bad shape. She's severely dehydrated and weak, but doing her best to be herself. Thank you to everyone who showed up for us in our hour of need. Thank you for all the good vibes and prayers. Thank you to the few who sent me photos of her sightings and offered food and water while she was lost. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! She's getting cleaned up, she has a warm comfy bed, a big bowl of water, and all the cans of yummy wet food she could need. We're keeping her quarantined from everyone else for right now while she rests and comes down from shock. I'll be getting her some kitten formula to help get her back where she needs to be and probably take her to the vet if she shows signs of anything else more serious. But at this moment you can tell she is relieved to be home. And so am I. 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Thank you, God, Universe, Spirits, whoever was watching over my baby. ------------------------------------------------------------------
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Hampton Ridge Road, 219, Norcross
Listing number
Pet's gender
Fri, 19.07.2024
Fri, 19.07.2024

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Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl491501 posted on Facebook Atlanta, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 20 July 2024, reply

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