Missing: Shy Tri-Colored Chihuahua - photo

Missing: Shy Tri-Colored Chihuahua

Southmore Avenue, 2806, Pasadena

He is a long haired tri colored chihuahua ( dark brown, light brown, and white), he is a boy and neutered. Super anxious and shy

How you can help

Southmore Avenue, 2806, Pasadena
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Sun, 09.03.2025
Fri, 07.03.2025
Owner name
Isela Vasquez

Comments 3

Ignacio Rivera
Anxious pup, hope he finds his way home soon! 🙏 I'll share this post to help.
Published: 09 March 2025, reply
Sharing this with local pet groups. Hope he is found soon! 🙏
Published: 09 March 2025, reply
Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl503328 posted on Facebook Houston, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cat
Published: 8 hours ago, reply

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