Help Find Melly: Missing Cat in Raleigh - photo

Help Find Melly: Missing Cat in Raleigh

Sugar House Street, 3315, Raleigh

Our sweet young Melly went missing from our home in North Raleigh (Wakefield area) yesterday, although we are not sure how she escaped our home as we didn't see it happen. She is an indoor only cat and very skittish so we are just beside ourselves. Melly is about 18 months old, small, with long fur and a very fluffy tail, yellow eyes, and a black nose. She has several random white hairs in her back on no particular pattern, otherwise no unique markings. She is spayed, microchipped, and has all her claws and teeth. She's never been outdoors. She is very skittish and scares easily. She absolutely will not come when called. We have posted all over social media (NextDoor/PawBoost/Find Rover/all the lost animal FB groups), set humane traps, contacted a tracker, left food out, have a heated bed placed outside, searched our entire home/property, made posters and flyers, gone door to door, and contacted the shelters/vets/rescues. I don't know what else to do. Please consider sharing her info in the event one of your friends or neighbors is taking care of her or took her to shelter. Thank you.

How you can help

Sugar House Street, 3315, Raleigh
Listing number
Pet's gender
Sun, 02.03.2025
Sat, 01.03.2025
Owner name

Comments 3

Melly sounds like a lovely cat, I hope she's found soon! Sharing this post to help! 📢
Published: 02 March 2025, reply
Hoping Melly finds her way home soon! 🙏 Sharing with my neighborhood! 🏠
Published: 02 March 2025, reply
Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl502909 posted on Facebook Raleigh, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 03 March 2025, reply

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