Found: Sweet Speckled Dog in Terry, MS - photo

Found: Sweet Speckled Dog in Terry, MS

Parsons Road, 5039, Raymond

I found this sweet girl on parsons road near midway in Terry Ms. She was found looking lost right after the storm that hit on 12/28 around 8:30pm. She is white with tan speckles and spots throughout her body. It seems like she comes from a loving home due to her nails being trimmed, coat being fairly clean, not being underweight. She reacted well to the crate that we had to keep her in to keep her safe. She has not barked even with our other dogs trying to get into the garage to see her. She is super well behaved. She was not wearing collar when found.

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Parsons Road, 5039, Raymond
Listing number
Pet's gender
Sun, 29.12.2024
Sat, 28.12.2024

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