Missing Pomsky: $2,000 Reward for Kinzerella - photo

Missing Pomsky: $2,000 Reward for Kinzerella

Magnums Way, 3520, Redding

Kinzerella is a dog a Pomsky. A miniature looking husky. As she is a husky, mixed with pomeranian. She has icey blue eyes. Tan eyebrows, with tan elbows and mid back legs. She is very beautiful. Kinzy is 3 years old and her birthday is in December. She is scared of people that she does not know. She is heat intolerant, gets sick in the heat. She has a special diet as she has sensitive skin and kidneys. She is our family our precious baby who we love as our child. As my daughters sister. She is missed completely. We are sick with her missing. We will pay 2,000 dollars to have her back home safe with us. Please if you have her please give me her back, I will give you enough money to buy a puppy pomsky. Please money isn't a problem I want my daughter back. Please please



Magnums Way, 3520, Redding
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Tue, 30.07.2024
Thu, 04.07.2024
Owner name

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Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl492177 posted on Facebook Sacramento, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 31 July 2024, reply