Found Dog Near Libbie Mill - Help Reunite! - photo

Found Dog Near Libbie Mill - Help Reunite!

Bethlehem Road, 7123, Richmond

Black / tan dog found on 4/26/24 around 10 PM near Libbie Mill area on PARK LANE RICHMOND. VA 23230 ** took to VET to get microchip scanned- No chip *** I have him safe at my house please contact Kendall brown 804-814-9891 Let’s get this sweet baby back to his owner

How you can help

Bethlehem Road, 7123, Richmond
Listing number
Pet's gender
Sat, 27.04.2024
Fri, 26.04.2024
Finder's name
Kendall Brown

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usf486499 posted on Facebook Richmond, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 27 April 2024, reply