Lost Tuxedo Cat Aether - White Boots & Paw! - photo

Lost Tuxedo Cat Aether - White Boots & Paw!

East Shorewood Drive, 77, Round Lake Beach

Long haired domestic, he's a long and lanky tuxedo. His name is Aether, and he loves chin scratches. On his left hind leg, he has a white boot, and on his right hind leg a white paw. His nose patch is a little crooked too. He won't bite or scratch unless you scare him or upset him.



East Shorewood Drive, 77, Round Lake Beach
Listing number
Pet's gender
Fri, 03.05.2024
Sun, 28.04.2024
Owner name
Alyx Rodriguez

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Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl486850 posted on Facebook Chicago, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 03 May 2024, reply

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