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Lost Dog Luna: Help Bring Her Home! - photo

Lost Dog Luna: Help Bring Her Home!

King Avenue, 21710, Rushmore

Luna moon wandered off when we went to the store she was last seen King avenue in Rushmore Minnesota she has a purple color on her as seen in the photo she’s an older dog. Her color should have a light on it, and tags if you see or know of her whereabouts PLEASE contact me on here ASAP I love my dog very much and would love very much to see her home. If you can please help me get my moon home I’d be very grateful.some extra information for description of my moon she has an umbilical hernia, a scar on her chin, a scar on her neck she goes my Luna moon, moon, or baby moon. She has breathing problems she also is a selective listener and partially blind.Some facts about Luna… She is an older dog with partial blindness and partially deaf she listens to a select few and I being one of them since I’m her mama, she ALWAYS has her collar on UNLESS she’s getting a bath or groomed, she can’t walk long distances she’s got achey bones she will ONLY walk long distances if she’s following someone or another animal if she’s alone she will steer herself off the path into unknown territory in which she needs to be found, Luna has several identification markers on her which I know ALL OF THEM, she’s not like other dogs she doesn’t find her way home she’s one that has to be searched for she’s always needed her mama to keep her on track without this guidance she becomes lost and confused. Luna is a special dog she doesn’t know what she’s doing like most dogs would, she wouldn’t even hear a vehicle if it was near her she’s pure and innocent…. With her being lost I become lost very, very lost. If anyone at all knows of her whereabouts or sees her please I beg please tell me she’s never gone this long and she need to be with her mama, I need her home this situation is breaking me

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King Avenue, 21710, Rushmore
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Sun, 14.07.2024
Sun, 07.07.2024

Comments 1

Chyane LaFave Send a message
Luna is a Yorkshire terrier
Published: 14 July 2024, reply

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