Lost Tan Terrier Mix - Help Bring Her Home! - photo

Lost Tan Terrier Mix - Help Bring Her Home!

Summerbrook Way, 5240, Sacramento

She is a tan female terrier mix and she doesn’t like to be away from me and when she is she finds a way to get out and go looking for me I have picked her up 2 times already in the past both times she was found with my oldest dog I was having a friend watch her because I thought I could trust them and I was wrong. They obviously didn’t care about her or me so they just opened up their front door and let her take off after I had already left and I was told that she jumped the fence but the neighbors told me the truth. She is chipped probably scared and lonely and I want to bring her home. I am beyond devastated and I have to find her she is not fixed and she has a scar on the tip of her tail that is hard to see without moving the fur around also she has scars on her face and snout from the last time she got out. I know that she’s just trying to get home and I need help finding her so I can help her come home

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Summerbrook Way, 5240, Sacramento
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Fri, 16.08.2024
Tue, 13.02.2024
Owner name

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Published: 18 August 2024, reply

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