Lost Black Poodle Near 2302 S Flores - Help! - photo

Lost Black Poodle Near 2302 S Flores - Help!

South Flores Street, 2302, San Antonio

Male, standard poodle, black with white line on his chest, weighs about 90 lbs. His hair is a bit longer than in the photo, he was not wearing his collar, he is chipped. He is not used to being outside and gets overheated quickly. Please help me find him.

Owner's review of Pet911

Microchip your works
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South Flores Street, 2302, San Antonio
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Thu, 06.06.2024
Wed, 05.06.2024

Comments 2

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl488828 posted on Facebook San Antonio, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 06 June 2024, reply
Facebook group comment
I suggest you reach out to [email protected] through email they're specialised in animal tracking, they are highly recommended as they helped me with recovery of mine when stolen.I Still thank them everyday. See full comment
Published: 14 June 2024, reply

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