Lost Female Pug - Light Brown, 25 lb, San Bernardino - photo

Lost Female Pug - Light Brown, 25 lb, San Bernardino

West 9th Street, 1087, San Bernardino

Female pug, weighs around 25 lb, color is light brown she has a broken nail on her front paw.



West 9th Street, 1087, San Bernardino
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Mon, 05.08.2024
Mon, 05.08.2024
Owner name
Byron Sanchez

Comments 3

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl492474 posted on Facebook Riverside, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 06 August 2024, reply
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When has it’s been missing?. See full comment
Published: 06 August 2024, reply
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Inbox me for help. See full comment
Published: 06 August 2024, reply

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