Help Find Toby: Lost Russian Blue Cat in SD! - photo

Help Find Toby: Lost Russian Blue Cat in SD!

South Willie James Jones Avenue, 429, San Diego

Please spread the word! Toby was LOST on May 8, 2024 in San Diego, CA 92113 near Lincoln high school by Imperial Ave. Description: Not neutered Russian Blue cat named Toby Ive had him since he was 3 months old hes only been indoors he easily gets scared and he wouldn't even walk out even if we opened the door we think he might of gotten in to the garage and got scared with the noise of the garage door opening and ran out if you see any cat that looks like him please let me know, my kids and I miss him so much we are worried. Update he is back home safely.

How you can help

South Willie James Jones Avenue, 429, San Diego
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Thu, 09.05.2024
Wed, 08.05.2024
Owner name
Claudia Cesena

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl487156 posted on Facebook San Diego, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 09 May 2024, reply

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